Commodore VIC 20 Cartridge Sleeves PDF – Parker Brothers


This printable PDF includes a full set of sleeves for the VIC 20 cartridges produced by Commodore.


This printable PDF includes a full set of sleeves for the VIC 20 cartridges produced by Parker Brothers. All the images have been carefully restored in high resolution.

The PDF includes 3 sleeves in total.

This is a digital download: no physical item is included. The images in this page show the sleeves that I printed with my HP Color LaserJet printer on 200gr/m² paper; your results may vary.

Be aware that you have to print (at home or using a local printing service), fold, cut and mount the sleeves! Before buying the full set, please download the free sample to check your printer results and test your crafting skills.

The sample PDF includes the instructions and the Commodore Jupiter Lander sleeve.

Chuck Hutchins made a nice video that shows how to print, cut, fold and glue the sleeves. It took him a few attempts to get a perfect result, please watch the video until the end (or jump straight to minute 16:50 where he gets the best results). I sent him a pre-release version of the PDF and watching his first draft of the video helped me to refine the instructions (and correct an error on the Super Expander spine). Check Chuck’s channel on YouTube for more videos. Thanks Chuck!

The front and the back of the sleeves follow the original box layout; it has only been adapted to the different proportions of the sleeve:

VIC 20 cartridge sleeves - Parker Brothers - front



VIC 20 cartridge sleeves - Parker Brothers - back


The two spines have the writing in both directions, so you can display them on the shelf as you prefer:

VIC 20 cartridge sleeves - Parker Brothers - spine


The sleeves are designed to be printed on 200gr/m² heavy paper (80lb cardstock in the US) that most printers can handle. If you use heavier paper the cartridge won’t fit in, and I do not recommend using lighter paper. The document size is for A4 paper but you can print using US Letter, just check that you’re printing at 100% without options like “scale to fit” or “adapt to paper size”.

The PDF comes with suggestions on how to print, cut, bend and mount the sleeves.

You need the sleeves if:

  • you have many loose cartridges without boxes
  • you are a collector and you like to show off your items
  • you need a good reason to find the missing carts to complete your set

You don’t need the sleeves if:

  • you like shoe boxes
  •  you like to lift each cartridge to find the game you want to play, and it’s always the last one
  • a cutter? what’s a cutter?

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